Acton Academy Fort Lauderdale
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Acton Academy Fort Lauderdale
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This School Is Different...
Your Child. Their School.
Traditional School Wasn't Getting what our children needed For today's world
...So We Started One That does*
*Acton Academy Students Progress An Average of 2.5x Grade Levels Every 9 Months
Are you frustrated with the old, traditional education model that teaches students to spit out facts
JUST TO pass state-mandated tests?
Acton Academy Is What An Alternative Approach Can Look Like
See Why Acton Is So Different
Our learners (aka Heroes) are independent learners who find great joy in learning, with a tight knit community that values the same learner-driven independence.
Watch this documentary video to see how Acton Academy is TURNING EDUCATION UPSIDE DOWN in over 300+ communities world-wide.
What Is School Actually For?
When was the last time we actually stopped to ask ourselves THIS question?
Childhood should be about the discovery of self. Acton Academy is a place where kids are free to be kids... while still learning how to be kind, passionate, and powerful individuals capable of going out and changing the world.
Get Your Own Copy of
See what makes Acton different
For starters, each child (and their parents) must go through his or her own hero’s journey as they make their way through the learning process. This fast, engaging read is the best account of how our learner-driven studios operate.
CLICK HERE to complete this form and schedule a time to speak with a member of our team. As a thank you, we will send you a free copy to read how Acton Academy is turning classroom learning upside down!
Is More Important Than Tests, Teachers, And Homework?
It's Time To Help Students Take Education Back Into Their Own Hands
At Acton Academy...
- We have Guides NOT teachers
- We have Studios NOT classrooms
- We use Socratic questions and do NOT lecture
- We have Portfolios and Exhibitions NOT grades
- We have Contracts and Covenants NOT homework
- Our students find their OWN real-world Apprenticeships
- We build our curriculum around EACH individual's Hero’s Journey.
We Believe:
Every Child Who Enters Our Doors
Will Find Their Own Calling That Will Change The World
How Is Acton Academy fort lauderdale Different?
At Acton Academy, we believe that LEARNING TO DO, LEARNING TO BE, and LEARNING TO LEARN are
more important than "Teaching To The Test" (learning to know) alone.
Traditional School Looks Like...
Rows of desks with a teacher at the blackboard
Students are taught at the same pace, regardless of their abilities or potential (the Factory approach)
Homework that creates stress and tension in the home
Memorization and testing of rules and facts
Report cards to measure success
One teacher lecturing to many students
School feeling like a factory or prison - with bells, shifts, detentions and a one-size-fits-all students approach
But With The Acton Academy Approach We...
- Work collaboratively like a startup company/co-working
Learn real world skills and apply them in projects
Set personalized goals then transparently track progress
Everyone's a teacher; AND everyone's also a student
Professional tools for art, engineering, and storytelling; cutting-edge adaptive tech for Core Skills
Develop habits and character traits that make an abundant and fulfilling life
School is like a journey, with big goals, mentors, tools, and a destination (a true Hero's Journey for each family)
Traditional Teachers Lecture And...
- Are the focal point of the classroom
- Create learning outcomes that are highly correlated to the their skill, passion, mood, and preparedness
Have responsibility for the learning and behavioral order of 25 or more students.
Are viewed by students as the provider of answers and arbiter of right and wrong
Acton Guides Are Like Game Makers Who....
Craft a culture of team collaboration
Facilitate learning with thought-provoking questions and real world projects
Inspire engagement through creative game-making
Challenge students to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills
Never, ever answer a student’s question (Rule #1)
See What Others Are Saying about acton academy
Don't Just Take Our Word For It. See What These Thought Leaders Are Saying About The Acton Approach
Seth Godin
Watch this video as Seth Godin talks about Acton Academy and the first rule of Acton. "If a kid asks you a question, you are NOT allowed to answer them."
Getting Smart
Tom Vander Ark is the host of the Getting Smart Podcast and says "Acton Academy is one of the most important education developments in the world. The story behind the ideas, the school, and the movement is a must read for any parent.”
Inc Magazine profiles Jeff Sandefer of Acton Academy Austin, and how across the U.S., a nascent movement is educating kids on the precepts of entrepreneurship.
Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary Vaynerchuk recorded this video about why our school system is so outdated, and to say "this is the kind of school he wishes he had as a kid, to grow up super entrepreneurial."
Fast Company
AAFTL CoFounder Tobin was interviewed for perspective about the opportunities and risks of using generative AI for personalized.
Liberated - Episode #46
Acton growth and impact is continuing and accelerating, as the Network gains notoriety among parents, learners, and entrepreneurial educators.
For Tobin Slaven, a longtime entrepreneur who recently created Acton Academy Fort Lauderdale in Florida, being a part of the larger Acton Academy microschool network is enormously beneficial.
Event Stage
AAFTL Founder participated in this discussion at SXSW EDU on the topic of Insights from Our Of The Ordinary Education Space.
National Microschooling
Center & Advocacy
Self-Directed Learning Changes the Game: Questions with Founder Tobin Slaven for the National Microschooling Center.
Jordan B Peterson Podcast
Talks Acton!
Jordan B Peterson and Jeff Sandefer discuss the k-12 education machine, its origins and failures, and how the Acton Academies are making leaps to correct the system.
Located Just Minutes From beautiful
downtown Fort Lauderdale
Downtown Fort Lauderdale is the perfect city campus environment for independent learners to get out and experience the real world.
From history, to art and science museums, all the amazing amenities are within close walking distance.
Close To the Museum of Discovery & Science (known locally as Mods)
The Museum currently serves more than 90,000 students annually who visit on school sponsored field trips. MODS is our Science Lab.
MODS Is Also The Site Of Our Annual Children's Business Fair.
Fort Lauderdale Is Known As The 'Venice of America' Because of Its Many Waterways
The Fort Lauderdale Riverwalk includes 10 parks along the New River tropical waterfront. We love to Walk Along The New River and Enjoy the fresh Green Spaces.
About Us
Located at
2250 SW 31st Ave - Building B
© 2024 ActonAcademyFL.com | Powered by Heroes (we call them Dragonauts)
Member of the Acton Academy Network of Schools and K12ReimaginED.com
IALDS (International Association of Learner-Driven Schools) Certificate of Good Standing | Gold Status
Florida Dept of Education License #2312