Acton Academy Fort Lauderdale
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Acton Academy Fort Lauderdale
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Tuition, Fees & Available Grade Levels
Use This Link For The School Calendar, Fees Schedule, & School Policies.Please Schedule Your Visit
Elementary Studio
Ages 6-11
May Consider Mature 5-year-olds
per month
- Full Year Tuition: 12 Payments of $1195 per month
- $550 Application & Technology Fee (Includes Chromebook, Software)
- Non-Refundable Deposit of $1195, applied to the final month of tuition
- 10% discount for each additional sibling enrolled
Middle & Launchpad Studios
Ages 12-18
per month
- Full Year Tuition: 12 Payments of $1250 per month
- $550 Application & Technology Fee (Includes Chromebook, Software)
- Non-Refundable Deposit of $1250, applied to the final month of tuition
- 10% discount for each additional sibling enrolled
Virtual Studio
Ages 10-18
per month
- Online support, supplies, and resources
- $550 Application & Technology Fee (Includes Chromebook, Software)
- 10% discount for each additional sibling enrolled
Are you ready for Your Acton Academy Audition?
This process is designed to make sure that we are the right school to serve
the life-long learning needs for your child and your family.
2We Will Follow Up With A
Parent Questionnaire
3IF IT'S A GOOD FIT, WE WILL Schedule A Shadow Day For Your Child
4Lastly, You Will Receive Your Invitation To Enroll.
We Believe Every Child (and Family) Who Enters Our Doors
Will Find Their Own Calling That Will Change The World
- Begin their own Hero's Journey
- Learn to be a curious, independent, lifelong learner.
- Develop a deep respect for economic, political and religious freedoms.
- Cherish the arts, wonders of the physical world and the mysteries of life on Earth.
- Discover his or her most precious gifts, and then use them to learn how to solve difficult problems.
- Understand the importance of strong character.
- Value a healthy lifestyle of mind AND body.
Fridays at Acton Academy Fort Lauderdale are for exploration and intended to give learners time to play or work on projects/topics that interest them. On these "flex" days, you can expect an open-studio format with large chunks of time for:
- Extended Play Time: Outdoor play, nature play, games, walking field trips to the local parks
- Passion Project Time: Create, make, explore, build, learn, pursue areas of interest
- Independent Study Time: Work on individual goals across core subject areas
How the Studios Work
Individual Studio Contracts enable our teammates to take ownership of their specific studio starting from the first day of school. Since each contract is written, edited, and signed by them, personal investment is high and it empowers our teammates to hold themselves and others accountable.
Our project-focused approach to education is hands-on and collaborative, and allows children to learn through their innate curiosity, not just by reading from a textbook.
In our mixed age environment across grades, students discover how to engage and form meaningful relationships with their fellow students and their teachers. By providing students with double the outdoors time of most schools, we’re able to increase and maximize their levels of engagement and focus while learning throughout the day.
Across these kinds of rich experiences, students create real-world deliverables in our open, indoor classrooms (or studios), that enable cutting edge design thinking and cross discipline innovation.
Mastery-based learning relies on revision, reflection, and review to guide students in the right direction -- but only once they’re ready. If a child needs a little more time “to get it,” that’s fine.
For those students working above grade level, they have the opportunity to push on to the next step and accelerate their learning. Children are given the space to meet and surpass their goals on their own terms.
Learning at the Studio School is never boring. A spirit of adventure is infused into every part of our innovative, individualized program. This stems from the freedom our students have to pursue their own interests and explore core subjects in hands-on, personal ways.
We also work to make tangible experiences part of our lessons. By including the real world in our classrooms — either through field trips that excite and motivate, or world-class experts who bring concepts to life — our students are given the chance to be inspired by what they’re learning.
Each child must go through his or her own hero’s journey as they make their way through the learning process. This cycle of challenge, achievement, and progress offers our students the opportunity to become champions for their education as they continue to grow and learn.
And every child learns differently and at his or her own pace. School should be a place to encourage and engage young minds, not try to fit them into generic boxes. Children need the freedom to learn on their own terms and to explore like anything is possible.
Children are innately curious, and need a learning environment that cultivates this curiosity. Our focus at Acton is to create an environment where creativity is the fuel for learning, which then becomes a hero's journey.
This is the path to lifelong learning. Using Socratic discussion, Acton learners practice critical thinking, collaboration, and emotional intelligence, as they keep growing into the best version of themselves.
You know you are visiting an
Acton Academy Learner-Driven Community
when you see and hear:Evidence of the Hero’s Journey
- Frequent references to the Hero’s Journey and callings
- Use of Growth Mindset language
- Acknowledgement of the necessity to fail early, cheaply, and often to learn
- Parent Meetings at least 3x per year, focusing on parents’ own Hero’s Journeys
Self-Governance and Self-Management
- Public Exhibitions at the end of every session
- Badges approved according to “Standards of Excellence”
- Weekly points and SMART goals
- Customer satisfaction surveys at least twice per month shared with Heroes and parents
Accountability + Celebration of Progress/Hard Work
- Public Exhibitions at the end of every session
- Badges approved according to “Standards of Excellence”
- Weekly points and SMART goals
- Customer satisfaction surveys at least twice per month shared with Heroes and parents
Heroes “Learning to Learn”
- Hands-on Quests to discover gifts
- Socratic discussions in launches and Civilizations
- Lexia, Spelling City, and other game-based tools to allow Heroes to learn at their own pace
- Heroes choosing to “drop everything and read” (DEAR)
- Writers’ Workshop and peer-reviewed writing
- Apprenticeships in upper studios
Heroes “Learning to Do”
- Overarching Question posted on the wall
- Journey maps posted on walls (Quests, Writer’s Workshop, Civilizations)
- Heroes learning clear processes for getting things done, often posted on walls (writing processes, critique processes, conflict resolution processes, etc.)
- Public posting of work and comparison of world-class examples
- Feedback systems and deliberate practice
- Nest Cams to capture visual patterns over time
Heroes “Learning to Be”
- Character Call Outs
- Servant Leader Badges or another way to intentionally develop heroic habits
- Squad Leaders or Running Partners/Teams
- Collaboration Cards or another system for purposeful collaboration
- 360 Peer Reviews or another system for feedback on Heroes’ warm-hearted and tough-minded character development
Socratic Guiding
- Guides only respond to questions with another question or a choice
- The flow of the studio doesn’t revolve around the Guide; Heroes don’t look to Guides as their primary help
- Guide can disappear for extended periods of time and nothing changes
- Studio isn’t organized around a teacher’s desk
Here's What We Don't Do
- Teaching or lecturing by Guides
- Grades or grading by adults
- Shaming behavior or language or a condescending tone
- Fixed Mindset language
- Guides making announcements in front of the studio
Words That Match Our Method
- Young people referred to as “Heroes,” or “Learners,” and not as “students” or “kids.”
- Adults referred to as “Guides” and not “teachers”
- ZERO reference to grade levels (“fifth grade”)
- “Learn to Learn, Learn to Do, Learn to Be” instead of edu-speak like “developmentally appropriate,” “classroom,” “instruction,” “gifted & talented”
- “Learning” instead of “teaching
About Us
Located at
2250 SW 31st Ave - Building B
© 2024 ActonAcademyFL.com | Powered by Heroes (we call them Dragonauts)
Member of the Acton Academy Network of Schools and K12ReimaginED.com
IALDS (International Association of Learner-Driven Schools) Certificate of Good Standing | Gold Status
Florida Dept of Education License #2312