This past week will be memorable for a number of reasons. One of the foremost will be the celebration of Aidan's 6th birthday. Birthday celebrations in an Acton studio are more than just cupcakes and an excuse to change up the schedule of the day.
In the video below, our birthday boy makes a symbolic six trips around our circle representing his six years on Earth (ie, trips around the Sun). Later, each member of the tribe shared a note with the three things we appreciate most about our young Hero. The goal is always not just to celebrate, but ask ourselves what can we do to make this a most memorable day.
Throughout the week, our Dragonauts have been preparing for the two big exhibitions coming up in May and June. First will be the Art Exhibition of Young Artists at Plunge. So this past week the learners are planning the subjects of their project. Next week the focus will shift to backgrounds. And the week after the whole project will be brought together in time for Exhibition.
In June - it will be time for the Fort Lauderdale Children's Business Fair. This is a community event that is sponsored by Acton and includes our Hero learners, but many other children as well. We still have a few spots open if you know a young entrepreneur who would like to build-a-business this spring.
One of the key elements of CBF is that it is THE CHILD'S PROJECT. Not the parents pushing and and prodding with their own business ideas. Our young entrepreneurs are challenged to think about what customers want/need and would be willing to pay for. They explore costs, expenses (fixed and variable) so they can project what their profit might be at the end of the day.
Here is an example of a "contract" agreed to by one of our learners, as they borrowed the $25 registration fee and the agreement that it would be a loan as part of building their business.

Another highlight of the week was doing daily "Show & Tell" time as each of our Heroes has a lot they love to share with the Tribe! The Social Emotional Learning (Learning To Be and Learning To Do) in an Acton is often the foundation for the academic successes (Learning To Learn) that follow.
Friday was Earth Day, so we marked the occasion with an outdoor scavenger hunt and an Earth Day inspired puzzle page in the afternoon.

On Sunday and also part of the Earth Day celebration, the Acton team participated in Heal The Planet Day at Esplanade Park. The "Thumb Buddies" were a big hit as many children and families came back several times to create a custom, one-in-six-billion creation (because the thumb prints are unique to each of us)... that they get to wear after creation. 🙂

Resources For Parents:
Several fun things to share with you this week as we wrap up our recap.
First, we have the lastest installment (#8 of 10) in the "Why Create A Learner-Driven Environement For Our Children" series, being shared by our friend Matt Beaudreau from Acton Placer in California.
Downloadable Growth Mindset Guide You Can Print And Stick On Your Fridge
One of the things that we work on daily in the Studio, is building the language and habit of using a Growth Mindset. Sometimes that means - unprogramming a lot of the negative "stinking thinking" that we pick up from the world around us, so it can be replaced by being a good friend to ourselves.
The Growth Mindset Guide is a one page sheet you can print off and put in a visible place (maybe on the fridge for all to see). Each day you can pick ONE of the 25 affirmations to repeat and build that Growth Mindset muscle.

And lastly... A Courage To Grow Book Club
One last thing to share with folks. At Heal The Planet Day we shared a sign-up for a May Book Club to read and discuss Courage To Grow. We are planning three Zoom sessions in the Month of May, and perhaps one in-person meetup if makes sense for all involved. If you would like to join us, shoot us a note and we will add you to the list for details.